EDIS silently added some cool features to make administration of your KVM server easier :-) We hope you gonna like them!

Most importantly: everything is now in one place and no separate login to another tool is required. You will find quick-access buttons for

* Shutdown / reboot / Power-ON
* AutoInstall OS section with SSH-key injection and Post-Install Script execution
* VNC incl. fully integrated noVNC

... and we added a handful of new features you might have missed or find useful:

NEW Quick-Search for location by ISO country-code, IP-address or KVM_ID
NEW Upload your own ISO functionality
NEW Additive, exponential bandwidth graph
NEW Graphical daily traffic overview

It also works on mobile :-)

You find the new administration functionality in your WHMCS client-portal http://manage.edis.at/whmcs/clientarea.php >> click Services and then pick any of your KVM plans :-) The old admin panel will still be available for some time, but we're slowly phasing it out.

For fully automated administration of KVM plans incl. rDNS delegation, re-install, ISO upload, ... EDIS offers access to its API. If you're interested, please apply/enroll for API access (get in touch) with our support team.

Integrated KVM Management portal

Monday, July 26, 2021

« Nazad